Dart Checkouts – Your Complete Cheat Sheet

Darts can be a fun game to play with your friends or family, but if you’re anything like me, you might also get a little competitive during games. If that’s the case, learning the right checkout combinations can come in handy if you’re playing to win.

Darts checkout charts show you the various combinations you can use in ’01 dart games to double out and finish the game as quickly as possible. They also eliminate the need to calculate how many points you need to hit to win a ’01 game. Darts checkouts can improve your gameplay and give you an advantage, especially in tournaments where ’01 is often the official game mode.Dart Checkouts – Your Complete Cheat Sheet

An Overview of Dart Checkout Charts

For many darts tournaments, ’01 games are the official game mode wherein players win by working their way down to zero points from 501. However, players also need to finish with a double to win.

Therefore, the first player to reach zero on a double wins the game. The goal is to finish with a double with the least number of darts possible. For this, players must employ the right combination of shots to ensure that they win the game.

Of course, this is easier said than done, especially since they need to have the ability to analyze their steps while keeping track of and computing their scores. In some cases, the referees or other players will tell you how many more points you need to win the game.

However, they won’t tell you what combinations you’ll need to hit the right spots, which is why dart checkout charts can come in handy.

Dart checkout charts were created to make it easier for players to identify the combinations they can take if they reach a specific score. These lay out the various combinations a player can take to win the game with the fewest number of darts possible. You can even purchase checkout charts online and if you’d like to add some fun and practical décor to your game room. 

These also help players see which combinations to use to avoid “bogey numbers” or the numbers that require more darts to be thrown to win the game.

The Different Dart Out Charts

There are different charts available, and they show different finishes a player can take to win a darts game or tournament.

The 40 to 2 Chart or Madhouse to Tops

The combinations for this chart is considered a beginner-friendly chart because the outs given here are considered easier and more manageable than others. For every score in the range of 40 to 2, there’s an easier outshot you can take.

This chart allows more novice players to hone their consistency when playing to prepare them for more complex outs later on. Of course, these are just guides, and the final combination will be up to you.

So, even if hitting S1 and D8 are the best way to finish a game with a remaining score of 17, you can also easily choose alternatives like S13 and D2 to finish and win the game.

Sample Combinations in the 40 to 2 Chart

40 D20
35 S3 D16
30 D15
25 S9 D8
20 D10
15 S7 D4
10 D5
5 S1 D2
2 D1

The 60 to 41 Chart or Sweet 16

This chart is the following chart to master after the 40 to 2, but you’ll need to understand it more deeply than the previous one. Unlike the 40 to 2 chart wherein you finish the game with single-dart finishes, here, you’ll need to hit double finishes with these combinations.

Because of this, it offers relatively more complex combinations, so you’ll need a more solid grasp of your skills as a player. For example, if you have 43 points remaining, the best combination to take would be S11 and D16.

Some numbers like 48, 44, and 52 offer more combinations than others, which is why you need to think about your shots more carefully.

Sample Combinations in the 60 to 41 Chart

60 S20 D20
58 S18 D20
55 S15 D20
53 S13 D20
50 S18 D16
48 S16 D16
45 S13 D16
43 S11 D16
41 S9 D16

The 110 to 61 Chart or Triple Quick Finishes

This chart is considered a building block of the previous charts because they allow you to set up outs that you’re more familiar with, such as the Madhouse to Tops.

However, what’s most notable about this chart is the multiple options for every number on the chart. Because of this, you can become more flexible when setting up the game to your preference.

Sample Combinations in the 110 to 61 Chart

110 T20 DBull
105 T19 S16 D16
100 T20 D20
95 T19 D19
90 T18 D18
85 T15 D20
80 T16 D16
75 T17 D12
70 T18 D8
65 T15 D10
61 T15 D8

The 170 to 111 Chart or Show-Outs

In ’01 games, the highest number of points you can take out with just three darts is 170. Hitting a 170 in two turns will bring your score below 351, making it easier for you to take the remaining score out with just six darts.

Of course, scoring a 170 is undoubtedly one of the most challenging shots to hit consistently because you’ll need to hit the following combination: T20 – T20 – Bull’s Eye. Mastering the combinations on this chat will mean you’re ready for more serious darts tournaments.

However, some Show-Outs have multiple combinations possible, so you should analyze your options carefully to avoid getting “bogey” numbers or the scores that will force you to use more darts to finish the game.

Sample Combinations in the 170 to 111 Chart

170 T20 T20 DBull
165 No out No out No out
160 T20 T20 D20
155 T20 T15 DBull
150 T20 T18 D18
145 T20 T15 D20
140 T20 T16 D16
135 T20 T17 D12
130 T20 T18 D8
125 T18 T13 D16
120 T20 S20 D20
115 T19 S18 D20
111 T18 S14 D20

Avoid Bogey Numbers or No-Outs

One of the most critical tips experts give to players is to avoid getting bogey numbers or “no-outs.” This is because these numbers mean you’ll need to throw more darts to effectively double-out on a game.

Combinations for No-Outs

169 No out No out No out
168 No out No out No out
166 No out No out No out
165 No out No out No out
163 No out No out No out
162 No out No out No out
159 No out No out No out

While these numbers might not mean much for casual players, No-Outs can spell the difference between winning and losing for professional players. Landing on bogey numbers could effectively kill a professional player’s gameplay and cost them the match.

Therefore, even if you have the right combinations in mind, it’s best to aim carefully to avoid putting yourself at a disadvantage in games with No-Outs.

Final Thoughts

Dart checkout charts can come in handy for players looking to up their game and ensure that they get the most efficient combinations to win the game.

However, you still need to master the accuracy of your shots first before anything else because these charts won’t be much of use if you can’t hit your targets.

Still, if you’re a more experienced player looking to enhance your gameplay, using dart checkout charts can be an excellent guide to winning a darts tournament.