How Long Will a Dartboard Last?

Darts is one of the most relaxing recreational games you and your friends can play as it requires minimal physical activity, or those who wish to play recreationally can quickly learn it. You also don’t need many materials to play darts as you will only need darts and a dartboard— but how long will a dartboard last? 

On average, how long does a dartboard last? Well, it depends on how often it is used. Dartboards of active players can only last around six to eight months. However, dartboards of recreational players usually last up to four years. Even if they are of good quality, they have their limits on how long they can last.

Do Dartboards Wear Out? 

To start, the basics of darts is that it’s played by throwing the darts at a dartboard. The dartboard has labeled sections indicating the number of points a player gains if he hits that section. Of course, there are other rules as well, but this is pretty much the basics.

As time goes by, a dartboard will have more punctures from repeatedly getting stuck with darts. So, after some time, you will have to replace your dartboard as the material wears out. However, when should you replace your dartboard?

The answer to that question primarily depends on how many times you play darts using your board. Suppose you are somewhat competitive or practices darts about 2 hours a day or perhaps, even more. In that case, a good quality dartboard should last around 6-8 months.

On the other hand, if you are simply a recreational player who only plays when bored or with your friends, or perhaps only playing once a week, then your dartboard should last around four years and perhaps, even more, depending on how often you play. 

How to Maintain a Dartboard to Increase Its Life

Aside from the frequency of play, other factors can affect how long a dartboard lasts. With that said, there are several things you can do to avoid damaging your dartboard and increase its lifespan.

Hang your dartboard properly.

This may seem common knowledge, but there are several factors you must consider when it comes to where you plan to hang your dartboard.

For example, visibility is an essential factor. Therefore, it would be best to hang your dartboard where there is enough light, and it is clear enough for you to see the labels on the dartboard. After all, poor lighting can affect your play.

Avoid getting your dartboard wet.

Long ago, dartboards were made of blocks of wood that needed to be wet for you to play. However, modern dartboards no longer need to be soaked, and doing so would only affect their longevity.

Therefore, keep them away from moisture and hang them in places with little to no chances of getting wet. Modern dartboards need to stay dry due to the material used in their construction.

The dartboard must be rotated from time to time.

Several dartboard games like Cricket involve hitting specific segments. Because of this, some parts of your dartboard will be hit more frequently compared to other regions.

You can remove the wires containing the labels and rotate the board regularly to even out the dart hits.

How many times you rotate the board is dependent on how many times you play. If you are a regular player, you can rotate your board once a week.

However, some areas, such as the bull’s eye and the number 25, can’t be protected by rotating. Incidentally, these segments are often hit on a game of Cricket, so you can expect these areas to wear out faster than the others.

Maintain the tips of your dart.

Preferably, you will want the tips of the dart to be sharp. However, keeping them too sharp can go through the ring’s metal and bounce off. Likewise, dart tips that are too blunt or hooked at the ends will damage the dartboard.

To increase the life of your dartboard, regularly maintain your darts.

When pulling darts from the board, it’s best to twist them slightly while removing them, as this helps the board heal. In contrast, pulling them out straight will only cause damage to the board. 

Keep your dartboard indoors.

Prolonged exposure to the sun will also damage your dartboard. Additionally, putting your dartboard outdoors increases the likelihood of getting wet from random water splashes.

This is especially true if it’s placed near the garden due to the likelihood of sudden rain or moisture during dawn when morning dew appears.

Is It Bad to Leave Darts Stuck on the Dartboard?

A dartboard is made of material that heals itself when the dart is pulled out. Of course, it cannot completely heal itself, which is why you have to replace your dartboard after several plays. However, leaving a dart in the dartboard for a short period should do no significant damage.

On the other hand, leaving them stuck for extended periods can hinder the self-healing process of the dartboard, damaging it permanently or reducing the lifespan of the dartboard.

This is because when you leave the dart stuck on the dartboard, it may introduce moisture, and it may cause denominations in the fiber or localized drying.

Nevertheless, different dartboards also have different qualities. For example, high-quality dartboards are affected less when a dart is stuck to it for some time, and its inherent self-healing properties may be enough for it to prevent any permanent damage.

However, it’s still advisable that you avoid doing so and remove the darts when you are not playing. Less expensive dartboards or low-quality dartboards, on the other hand, may likely suffer from severe damage compared to high-quality dartboards if you leave the darts for an extended period.

This is because its self-healing process may take longer, and leaving darts in the board will hinder the process. So, the bottom line is, regardless of whether you have a high-quality dartboard or a cheap one, you should always remove the darts when you are not playing.

Final Thoughts

The primary factor in determining how long a dartboard will last is how frequently you play darts. Therefore, as a general rule, if you are an avid player who plays around two or more hours a day, a high-quality dartboard should last 6-8 months.

On the other hand, if you are an occasional player, your dartboard should be suitable for years. Of course, other factors can affect your dartboard’s longevity, such as how you take care of it.

For example, you should hang it in an ideal spot and make sure it does not get wet, and keep it away from moisture at all times.

You should also remove darts when you are not playing, rotate the dartboard from time to time to even out the dart hits, and maintain the tips of your dart. If you follow all these tips, you’ll be able to maximize the lifespan of your dartboard.