Can You Use Throwing Knives on a Dartboard?

Playing darts can be entertaining. But did you know that you can make the game much more exciting by swapping throwing knives for darts?

Can you throw knives on a dartboard? Of course, you can! You can throw knives on a dartboard to try and hit the target. Is it safe to do so? Well, the answer for this might vary. Throwing knives on a dartboard may appear insane and dangerous, but after a few attempts, you may choose to reconsider. I’ll show you how you should do it the right way.

Why Should You Throw Knives on a Dartboard?

Perhaps you have an old dartboard laying around your house that still looks nice but doesn’t work well with darts anymore. Why toss away a dartboard when you can repurpose it into something interesting and enjoyable?

One thing you can do with an old dartboard is transforming it into a knife-throwing target. The only thing you need to do is attach your dartboard to a piece of wood on its back. This piece of wood will also serve as additional protection for your wall.

However, keep in mind that the dartboard can only be used as an indoor knife-throwing target. This is because most dartboards are made of sisal fibers. When exposed to dampness and water on a regular basis, it will become bulgy and deformed.

By converting your dartboard into a knife-throwing target, you can extend it by one or two years before you have to throw it away. Of course, the number of extra years you get will be determined by how frequently you use it as a knife-throwing target.

Also, do not leave the knives of the dartboard as this can shorten its lifespan. Also, the holes made by the knives may not close if knives are left for a long time.

How Do You Start Knife Throwing?

Knife throwing has been practiced for hundreds of years. Many folks think it is a fun and simple activity to learn. Nothing beats the sound of a knife striking a target from a long distance. This is why this hobby is increasing in popularity.

The purpose of knife throwing, like darts, is to hit a target. Knives, however, do not move through the air tip forward. The physics of knife-throwing includes both lateral movement and rotation as the knife revolves around its center of mass on its route to its destination.

Therefore, knife throwing requires intense caution. Wearing sturdy shoes while throwing knives on a dartboard ensures that nothing horrible happens if you mistakenly drop your knives. Also, keep your tossing area clear from people and animals.

Form and stance are also critical factors when knife-throwing. You must ensure that you stand up straight and that your body is comfortable. Also, when throwing, you should grasp the throwing knife in the same way you would a hammer.

Also, you need to ensure that you use the right knives that have the perfect balance for the right throw every time. Besides, you can either purchase the dartboards or make them yourself using planks of wood.

What are the Rotation Types for Knife-Throwing on a Dartboard?

Now that you’ve learned some fundamentals of knife-throwing, you may move on to understanding more about the various rotation types. In knife-throwing, there are three types of rotation: half rotation, full rotation, and advanced throws.

To begin, you should be about six feet away from your target for a half rotation spin. Next, hold the knife with the blade against you and the handle pointing up at the sky. Then, with modest force, hurl the knife towards your target. Practice until you can keep your knife stays solidly on the target.

After you’ve mastered the half rotation throw, you can progress to the single rotation throw. To begin, position yourself around ten to eleven feet away from your target. Now, hold your knife by the handle and toss it with moderate power towards your target.

There are advanced throws to try if you’re seeking a challenge. In general, advanced throws entail more spins or even no spins at all. However, because this is a good introductory guide, we won’t go through the details of those throws.

There are many tutorials on the sciences of throwing if you want to dig more into advanced knife throwing. Additionally, the soft surface of the dartboard allows you to focus on rotation skills rather than power and accuracy, making it an ideal target for beginner knife-throwing.

What Kind of Knife Should You Use?

Knife throwing can be performed with any type of knife, from a combat knife to a professional throwing knife. Every knife with a semi-sharp point and some weight will do. Basically, your options for knives are unlimited. Some important factors to consider include:


Something else to consider while picking up a throwing knife is balance. A well-balanced knife will always have a center of gravity in the middle. Since it is simpler to predict the trajectory of this type of knife when throwing, it is great for a beginner.

Length and Weight

Length and weight are other important considerations. Longer knives are preferred over shorter knives because they provide more control when striking a long distance. According to experts, a 10-inch long knife must weigh at least a little bit more than 10 ounces. A longer and heavier knife is also more likely to provide a firmer grip.


Finally, you should think about the knife’s construction. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up with a knife that breaks after only a few tosses. Remember that you will never get a knife better than what you pay for. Also, perforated knives are more likely to break than solid knives.

Doesn’t Have Grip

You should be advised that the ideal throwing knives do not include a grip. This is because holding on to a rough surface will cause you not to achieve a proper release. Of course, if you’re an expert thrower, you could make your customized handle.


At the end of the day, a throwing knife should be something very personal. You won’t know if knife-throwing is for you unless you get your fingers on it. If your dartboard is still in good condition, you should just stay with the darts. Throwing knives on a perfectly decent dartboard will just add unnecessary wear and tear to the dartboard.

Also, take note of your state’s legality since some states do not allow you to carry knives while others limit the size of the blade. As a result, when looking for different types of throwing knives, you should consider the legality of your state.